[20-Nov-2009] Do you find RM 5 for one bottle of Nail Polish cheap? Well, Elianto has reduced the price to RM1 per bottle!!

13 Nov - 26 Nov -- Promo colour = Platinum Pearl (Whitish silver)
27 Nov - 10 Dec -- Promo colour = Silky Brown (Dark Bronze)
11 Dec - 24 Dec -- Promo colour = Twilight Zone (Deep Purple)
25 Dec - 7 Jan 10 -- Promo colour =Thistle (Sweet Pink)
Terms & Condition: Maximum of 2 bottles per person, while stocks lasts

Get a free Elianto 4 colours Refill Palette (Black/Fairy) worth RM16 with any purchase of RM60 & above.
10% off with purchase of any 4 pieces of eye shadow refills.
I have not tried out any Elianto nail polish previously. So here goes my 1st bottle for experimentation which cost me only RM1 :-D
Since i've got the nail polish, might as well i grab a nail polish remover? Guess what i found from the counter? A "grape" Nail polish remover. Hmm.... fruity flavoured remover?? It cost me RM10 for the sweet lavander-coloured lotion. I bought it without trying it out. And when i finally open it when i get home, boy, the fragrance was sweet! Grapelicious :) I always hated the pungent acetone smell of nail polish removers, guess i've found one that change my mind.
Oh, the nail polish remover do comes in Strawberry "flavour" too.
wahhh very good price leh! one ringgit only can get nail polish already. I want to buy all
ReplyDeleteElianto has I guess the cheapest price of nail polish and its quality is just pretty much same lk the price.
ReplyDeletei went to 2 Elianto shop and kiosk today...
ReplyDelete(one at alamandar, putrajaya, another one at the mines, serdang)...
they want me to purchase minimum 2 bottles of the promotion nail colour then only entitle me for the RM1 promotion....
o else, i got to pay RM5, the normal price per bottle~~ =(
I want platinum pearl!! :P not really adventurous with colour XD
ReplyDeleteI've just grabbed the nail polish :)
ReplyDelete@Lily Luna Potter: Couldn't agree more on the price. Quality wise, is acceptable for RM1 :p However, I always believe in the linear relationship between price and quality to certain extend :) The shininess of the colour will fade of after few days. If you use a top coat, the shininess last longer.
Anyhow, RM1 for a nail polish is bought under the idea of fun for me. So, girls, try it out and give your own review to me :)
@ Butter Girl: You were told so?? Gee, i bought mine in MidValley but i wasn't tied down to any terms and condition. Is the sales lady trying to cheat??? I rang up mid valley counter, Cheras leisure mall, Berjaya time square, all confirmed to me there's no such terms & condition.
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to call the headquaters but i think their office is closed by now. I shall try again this coming Monday to check out.
zomg! since I have weekneds off from SPM I can go to pyramid and get a bottle! (subang parade of I'm feeling lazy to walk) aaanyway! I hope I don't get tied down to T&C....fine prints are soooo annyong XD
ReplyDeleteoh yeaaa...so how's the nail polish remover? =P
The nail polish remover is GREAT! Smells great. Quality wise, it's just like any other remover. Nothing special except the nice fragrance :)
ReplyDeleteI GOT THE STRAWBERRY ONE TODAY! Oh yeaa....I got the strawberry one for only RM8! Apparently they're having sales now so the polish remover has 20% off and the nail polish is RM 1....I GOT NAIL STUFF FOR LESS THAN RM 10! *flies in thin air* For a little fun it's not bad =P
ReplyDeleteHi, the nail colour is absolutely RM 1 without any terms & conditions. You can either buy single bottle or maximum 2 bottles per customer.
ReplyDeleteThis is to reward customers support for the past 4 years. More exciting programme coming up...
I never imagine at times like this i still get to buy a nail polish with only one ringgit. Well, i've bought 2 bottles from Elianto Mid Valley. lucky me, no terms and condition except for maximum of two bottles per customers. One for me, one for my sis, great bargain
ReplyDelete@ Teenager: Smells great doesn't it??? Bravo to their innovative fragranted remover. But i didnt get to enjoy the 20% discount... Should have wait a few days longer lol.
ReplyDelete@ Anonymous: If you're someone from Elianto head quaters, you really should question those sales ladies who gave unappropriate terms & condition to our lovey Butter Girl. Unethical sales tactic is not acceptable.
@ Sparkling Intan: Isn't it FUN having spend only RM1 or 2 and get something worthy in return :) More colours to come, keep track ladies!
Finally, i got 1 for RM1 without any terms and conditions at Maluri Jusco! Hooray!
ReplyDeleteIndeed, it is nt a matter of money but the matter of ethics~ ^^
thx beauty guru for yr info... btw, i agree with u, if the anonymous is somebody from elianto, he/she should really do some 'sport-check' on their franchise...
Phew luckily. I rang up their headquarters and the lady said there's no such terms & condition. So, ladies, you can all buy with peace of mind. Look out for the new colour SILKY BROWN on RM1 promo starting TOMORROW!
ReplyDelete@Butter girl: Will you get this colour? I will, for my toes :) Happy shopping
yup, bt nt sure whr will i drop by to get it this time.. haha~
ReplyDeletei wonder what kind of terms and conditions will be imposed again~ =P
If that happens again, take down her name, location of crime, and we shall make a little phone call t Elianto Headquarters. Standardisation needs to be done!
ReplyDeleteWell, you've done it again Beauty! I'm not too bad myself, i bought the silky brown one. The colour turned out to be lighther than it looks, but i like it. I'm waiting for the pink one to come
ReplyDeleteI got the brown one too! I don't really like the brown one though...too old of a colour for me =S owh well, all's well in the name of RM1 and fun! XD
ReplyDeleteI thought the colour would be dark, just right for my toe nails, turned out it is quite light, more suitable for my fingers.
ReplyDeleteAnd oh yeah, the colour is a little on the matured side, try sticking cute nail stickers on top of it, it might bring the sparks back :) That's what i always do if the nail colour doesn't turned out to be how i expected